Genealogy  Research

Genealogy Research consists of the compiling of all basic genealogical data about ancestors.  Its aim is to make the whole ancestry scheme, and to continue in a detailed search of particular ancestors.  Thus, Genealogy Research precedes Family History Research.  As the main source for Genealogy Research, parish and civil registration  records are usually used.

Image of a Parish registration record from the 18th century

Basic genealogical documents (birth/baptism, marriage and death records) show basic facts about ancestors and their resident area and provide ground work for the description of the ancestry history.  They are written in Czech, Slovak, German, Hungarian and Latin.

Image of an entry written in a parish registration record at the beginning of the 19th century

It might be possible to follow Czech or Slovak ancestors relatively reliably back to 1700, and in some instances even older.  It is necessary to know at least one reference point (at least one place of birth, wedding or death from your ancestry) to start with the search.  Dates do not need to be precise. The most important facts are the location and the religion.

However, there are more possibilities as to how to proceed to make the ancestry scheme.

A.  Making  Pedigree (Ancestry)  Chart

The objective here is to trace all direct ancestors of one person, through both male and female lines. Direct ancestors´ siblings are not included. This chart is made backwards, from known person (descendant) at the present time, to unknown persons (ancestors) in the past. Thus this schema is ascending. It shows all parental couples and increases geometrically. If "n" equals a number of generation (n=1 equals a generation of a starting person, n=2 equals a generation of his/her parents, n=3 of grandparents etc.), then total number of direct ancestors in "n - th" generation is " 2n-1 " and a total number of persons mentioned in the Chart from 1-st to n-th generation is " 2n - 1 ". If some ancestors who were related marry each other then we find decrease (equality) of ancestors. The Pedigree (Ancestry) Chart is able to prove a person´s line of descent, and create a genetic study.

See the diagram of Pedigree (Ancestry) Chart below:

Diagram of Pedigree (Ancestry) Chart


B.  Making  Descendant Chart on one direct line

Descendant Chart on one direct line shows direct male-line ancestors only (father, grandfather, greatgrandfather, etc.) including their families (wives, brothers and sisters). However, this Chart does not take interest in descendants of the others. Of course it is possible to concentrate on female ancestral line. This scheme is made backwards and it is ascending too. When this process is complete to the past, we have reached the earliest known ancestor (progenitor). This Chart applies to the description of a family history, not of an ancestry history, because this Descendant Chart includes only one ancestry branch of the whole Extended Descendant Chart on all lines.

  See the diagram of Descendant Chart on one direct line below :

Diagram of Descendant Chart on one direct line
[ ] = male          O = female
[#] = direct male-line ancestor


C.  Making  Extended  Descendant Chart on all lines

Extended Descendant Chart on all lines  is made forwards, from the earliest known ancestor (progenitor) to all his descendants (with their spouses) at the present time.  The  progenitor is a direct ancestor on male-line (i.e. generally a person keeping the ancestry surname).  This Chart can include either all descendants on male or female line (with their spouses) or all descendants at all.  If  it regards to all descendants on male line, then their main common attribute is their uniform surname.  Thus, this complete scheme  shows all the collateral ancestry branches coming down from one family couple at the top.  It uses a descending consecution.  There is a possibility that some descendants who are related marry each other and we find decrease (equality) of  descendants.  Extended Descendant Chart  is applicable to the description of  ancestry history and to genetic and demographic studies.

See the diagram of Extended Descendant Chart on all lines below:

Diagram of Extended Descendant Chart on all lines
[ ] = male          O = female


D.   Making  Kin Chart

To make Kin Chart is the most difficult work.  It includes Descendant Charts on all lines  of  all direct ancestors on both male and female lines.  Thus, the work starts with making an Ancestry Chart and continues with making Descendant Charts on all lines of all branches of Ancestry Chart.  Kin Chart includes all descendants coming down from many family couples at the tops of  all  Descendant Charts on all lines. It allows to know all people who are related with the starting person.  Kin Chart is applicable to the description of a lot of ancestry histories and their comparison, to the genetic and demographic studies.  But this type of  Chart is not usually used because it is a superhuman target.

If you are interested in our assistance in researching the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic areas, please contact us.

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