P-51 Mustang undaubtedly belongs to the most iconic WW II fighters.
Many of them if not almost every one were wearing some special "Nose Art" designed by his pilot and crew.

Before couple of years I realized the most of these "nose arts" are always placed on one and concrete part of engine cowling and have started to thinking about producing faithful 100% replicas of these.

After long way, now I am happy I can offer You "the Mustang lovers" this product
in 1:1 scale with original peaces,
made from aircraft aluminium grade sheet, with all the things that the real cowling part has,
with Your preffered pilot and unit nose art.

Overal size 224x37,5 cm, weight cca 8 kilograms.

Already realized projects:

"Big Beatiful Doll"
pilot Colonel John D. Landers, 84 FS/ 78 FG


"Cripes A´Mighty"
pilot Major George E. Preddy, 487 FS/352 FG


"Glamorous Glen III"

pilot Capt. Charles "Chuck" Yeager, 363 FS/357 FG


Asking price for available or ordered replicas ... 750 EUR (or equal) excluding shipping.
For ordering or any question contact me by email or through Facebook profile.